I wasn't sure what I was going to write about until a moment ago when I was talking with my boss and a co-worker. It came up in our conversation a lady that actually said that if she knew then what she knows now she would have went through with an abortion instead of having her little boy, now 4 years old.
Can someone please tell me what kind of person, what kind of mother would say that? would feel that?
Jealousy is something I have struggled with throughout this whole journey and most days I do really well. Most days. And then there are days like today that make it hard not to be angry and sad and mad and incredibly jealous of those that are not deserving.
I know its not my place to judge. Its not my place to say they are unfit parents or don't deserve the love of a child but lets face it she made it pretty easy for me to draw that conclusion. I will pray for forgiveness tonight as I do everynight.
I just have to keep telling myself that I will be a mom someday soon. I will get my turn and Paul will have his turn and together we will be great parents. That we will appreciate every moment that much more.
it is shocking what some people say, isn't it. How could anyone say such a thing about their child? I don't yet have any little ones and my husband and I pray regularly for God to help in this matter. But my heart cries for the children already in this world who are not wanted. They feel it, they believe it. It is really sad. We should pray for that woman, she must be in serious emotional pain to say/feel something like that. :(