Its been a long time, or it feels like a long time, since I have updated this.
I also feel a little bit like I have been gaurded in my writings here and my goal when I started this was to be open and honest and share my experience..the whole thing..even, maybe even especially, the hard and trying parts. So that will start now!
First a little update on progress:
We had a second opinion with Dr. Foulk via his Utah clinic! He gave me the same options as Dr. Allen and Dr. Fisch so we are FOR SURE looking at IVF! Dr. Foulk was wonderful, he was VERY optimistic that we would be successful and confident that we could be pregnant by May (obviously barring any financial barriers).
Speaking of Finances...UGH..well what is there to say really? So we still, after 5 WEEKS, have our wrecked and totalled car in our driveway!! GRRRR..BUT it should be picked up today..THANK GOODNESS! Hopefully after that it won't take long to get our settlement and such so we can buy a car and pay off some of the student loans and HAVE MONEY FOR IVF!!!!!!!
I also found a company that does medical financing and we are looking into that as well to hopefully speed up the process.
Dr Foulks Utah office offers the 'Attain Multi-Cycle Plan" which is 2 IVF cycles and 2 FET cycles for a little over 11k..that is GREAT! That is what we are leaning towards as far as what plan to do because it is the fiscally sensible I guess you could say. It is all becoming soooooo real! I am so incredibly excited and nervous at the same time and scared and happy! I just know that it will be our turn soon!
I thank God every day for the life I have been given and I am so thankful that I am at a point now where I am just as thankful for my struggles as I am for my triumphs. I pray that I am always and forever in his grace. I pray that I continue to hold tightly to him and reach for him especially in my hour of weakness.
The Lord is good and may he bless you all.
Verse of the day:
Psalm 113:9 (NLT) "He gives the childless woman a family making her a happy mother. Praise the Lord!"
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