Thursday, July 14, 2011

What Inspires you??

Yesterday was a LONG day and I have to admit that I wasn't in the best of moods when I arrived for my interview. When I walked through the I was greeted by Dr and Mrs. Van Tassel they were happy to see me and just really nice people so they showed me the office and I sat down for my interview and the first question they asked.....??

What inspires you?
It made me think about the days events and the sadness that is forever associated with July the 11th and I decided that people inspire me. People caring about others and offering to help and being willing to give so readily of themselves without expecting anything in return.

Just when you think the world is totally evil and that there aren't really any 'good' people left they surprise you. People help people. The community comes together for one grieving family, for one lost child.

It is a little proof from God that he hasn't totally given up on us yet. Help someone today just because you can. God Bless

Monday, July 11, 2011


July 11. It is a day I wish I could erase from my calendar forever..just skip it and pretend it was never there..
July 11, 2010 Diana Buckmaster, a dear friend and mentor and at times another mom passed away all to soon.
July 11, 2011 Justin Hultenschmidt took his life into his own hands, a choice that ended in tragedy.

Diana was a mother of two, Kadee had just graduated and Hayden would graduate the following year. She has been gone a year now and though her children are living life and are succeeding in all that they had dreamed of the reality is that she missed it. Gods plan and Gods timing may never make sense to me at all but I trust in him so completely that I find some solace.

Justin was a bright young man with the whole world in front of him. His passing has left so many with questions. He made a choice that he can never take back a choice that ended much more than his own life. I am sure people will blame themselves and some will blame others and a few will even blame Justin and a few more will blame God but the truth is we may never understand, its not for us to understand as hard as that makes things. All that is left to do now is pray for his family. His mom and dad and his younger brother.

Tell the people that you love that you love them before it is to late.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It has been a while since I have written I feel like I go through spurts where I write a lot and then I don't. At any rate I am here now and unfortunately there isn't much to update you all on. We have to do a few more tests and things of that nature I am in the process of applying for grant aide for meds and IVF services so now just waiting for all that stuff to go through and what not. Its a process that is for sure.

In other news I have made the INSANE decision to take 12 credits over the summer semester (4weeks) and of those 4 classes (3 credits each) I have 2 english classes, 1 finance and 1 econ class..and a combined total of..are you ready??.............150 PAGES of writing assignments..and yes you read that right ONE-HUNDRED-FIFTY PAGES in 4 WEEKS!! oh goodness..
If I am not crazy now I will be by the end of this semester!